Funfishers Nursery & Out of School Club
Not-for-profit nursery founded by local families |
Funfishers is registered charity providing nursery and out of school club care for children aged 9 months to 11 years of age.
We pride ourselves on a child centred approach to learning and play, and we were recognised as an 'Outstanding Provider' by Ofsted in 2022. We provide 50 places in our nursery, pre-school, breakfast, after-school, and holiday club sessions from 7:30am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) over 51 weeks a year. |
Forest SchoolOutside, we provide a stimulating environment with a wide range of resources offering challenging physical learning experiences. Areas of provision encourage the development of skills such as balancing, coordination, gross motor control, exploration and imagination.
Outdoor play is a vital part of our environment which is reinforced through forest school sessions using natural open-ended resources to enhance skills further. Within the forest school site, we have a vegetable plot where the children learn to plant and care for vegetables which we then eat as part of a healthy balanced diet. |
Funfishers Nursery & Out of School Club Escrick Street, Fishergate, York YO10 4AP |
Charity Commission: 1037734 Ofsted Number: 321571 |